
Photo from Dan Meyers


Unrestricted egress traffic from services poses a significant security risk as it allows external threats to exfiltrate data and download arbitrary payloads from untrusted, dangerous hosts. While ingress filtering from the Internet is ubiquitous using firewalls, it is far less common that companies are controlling and observing traffic leaving their network.


As part of implementing traffic filtering, we achieved observability of our egress traffic, which has also enabled opportunities for our Security team to write detection rules based on anomalous traffic, perform network forensics, and conduct proactive threat hunting exercises.


In this post, we aim to cover how our Security team achieved egress filtering on behalf of all service owners at Lyft. We will go over design decisions, different proxy types, and how we leverage Envoy to act as our Internet Gateway (IGW).


Note that this post addresses service filtering and not employee traffic filtering which is a different threat model in itself.


Our primary goal is to disrupt malicious traffic by ensuring all Internet bound network traffic originating from Lyft services are filtered through Envoy.


There are numerous ways to control egress traffic that Lyft weighed where the main challenges stemmed from obtaining observability of encrypted TLS traffic and preventing exfiltration via DNS.


We focused on two main goals to drive our design decisions:


  1. Observability: we want to know the upstream Internet hosts our services communicate with and be able to attribute this traffic to individual downstream service...

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