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You might come across a UI component that has text above an image. In some cases, the text will be hard to read depending on the image being used. There are some different solutions like adding a gradient overlay, or a tinted background image, text-shadow, and others. I got encouraged to write this article after seeing this tweet from Addy Osmani.

你可能会遇到一个UI组件,它的文本在图像上方。在某些情况下,根据所使用的图像,文本将很难阅读。有一些不同的解决方案,比如添加一个渐变的覆盖层,或者一个有色的背景图片,文本阴影,以及其他一些。在看到Addy Osmani的这条推文后,我被鼓励写这篇文章。

In this article, I will explore the different approaches and solutions for this problem, and how to communicate the UI with a front-end developer to make sure that it’s implemented as per the design mockup since some details can be easily missed in CSS.




Each solution is supposed to solve a problem. Let’s explore the problem for our case. When designing a component that has text above an image, we should take care of making the text easy to read.


Notice that the version without a gradient overlay is barely readable. This isn’t good for the user. To solve this, we need to add a layer below the text so that it can be easy to read. Adding that layer can be challenging, and I have seen many who implement this solution without taking accessibility in mind.


An overview of the possible solutions


There are different solutions for making the text easier to read. Let’s get an overview of them.


As you’ve seen, there are different solutions to the problem. The ones that need more care are the gradient solutions. Why? Because it’s so easy to add a gradient layer and the text won’t be accessible.



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