
  • We’re sharing our latest threat research and technical analysis into persistent malware campaigns targeting businesses across the internet, including threat indicators to help raise our industry’s collective defenses across the internet.
  • 我们正在分享我们最新的威胁研究和技术分析,包括威胁指标,以帮助提高我们行业在整个互联网上的集体防御能力。
  • These malware families – including Ducktail, NodeStealer and newer malware posing as ChatGPT and other similar tools– targeted people through malicious browser extensions, ads, and various social media platforms with an aim to run unauthorized ads from compromised business accounts across the internet.
  • 这些恶意软件家族--包括Ducktail、NodeStealer和较新的冒充ChatGPT和其他类似工具的恶意软件--通过恶意浏览器扩展、广告和各种社交媒体平台将人们作为目标,目的是在互联网上运行来自被攻击的商业账户的未经授权的广告。
  • We’ve detected and disrupted these malware operations, including previously unreported malware families, and have already seen rapid adversarial adaptation in response to our detection, including some of them choosing to shift their initial targeting elsewhere on the internet. 
  • 我们已经检测到并破坏了这些恶意软件的操作,包括以前未报告的恶意软件家族,并且已经看到对手对我们的检测做出了快速的调整,包括其中一些选择将其最初的目标转移到互联网的其他地方。

Today, we’re sharing our latest work to detect and disrupt malware campaigns targeting business users across the internet. 


We know that malicious groups behind malware campaigns are extremely persistent, and we fully expect them to keep trying to come up with new tactics and tooling in an effort to survive disruptions by any one platform where they spread. That’s why our security teams tackle malware – one of the most persistent threats online – as part of our defense-in-depth approach through multiple efforts at once. It includes: malware analysis and targeted threat disruption, continuously improving detection systems to block malware at scale, security product updates, community support and education, threat information sharing with other companies and holding threat actors accountable in court. This helps raise the cost for these malicious groups and limits the lifecycle of any single strain of malware – ...


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