
Despite being a voice and text chat app, Discord sees over a hundred million images passing through its tubes every day. While we wish it was as simple as sending them out across the tubes to your friends, delivering these images creates some pretty large technical problems. Linking directly to images would leak users’ IP addresses to image hosts, and large images use up lots of bandwidth. To circumvent these problems, Discord needs an intermediary service to fetch images on behalf of users and then resize them to reduce bandwidth usage.


Enter the Image Proxy


To handle this job, we created a Python service creatively named Image Proxy. It fetched images from remote URLs and then used the pillow-simd package to do the heavy lifting of image resizing. Pillow-simd is wonderfully fast and uses x86 SSE instructions to accelerate resizing where it can. The Image Proxy would receive a HTTP request containing a URL to fetch, resize, and finally respond with the image.

为了处理这项工作,我们创造性地创建了一个名为Image Proxy的Python服务。它从远程URL获取图像,然后使用pillow-simd包来完成图像大小调整的重任。Pillow-simd的速度非常快,使用x86的SSE指令来加速调整大小。图像代理将收到一个包含URL的HTTP请求,以获取、调整大小,并最终响应图像。

On top of this, we setup a caching layer that would try to keep resized images around in memory and respond directly from cache when it could. A HAProxy layer routes requests based on a URL hash to the Nginx caching layer. The cache performs request coalescing in order to minimize the number of resize transformations required. This combination of cache and proxy was enough to scale our image proxy up well into millions of users.


Still, as Discord grew, the Image Proxy started to show signs of strain. The biggest problem was the Image Proxy did not have an even workload distribution, w...


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