How to detect idle time in JavaScript elegantly?

Without using jQuery, only vanilla JavaScript:

var inactivityTime = function () { var time; window.onload = resetTimer; // DOM Events document.onmousemove = resetTimer; document.onkeypress = resetTimer; function logout() { alert("You are now logged out.") //location.href = 'logout.html' } function resetTimer() { clearTimeout(time); time = setTimeout(logout, 3000) // 1000 milliseconds = 1 second }

And init the function where you need it (for example: onPageLoad).

window.onload = function() { inactivityTime(); }

You can add more DOM events if you need to. Most used are:

document.onload = resetTimer;
document.onmousemove = resetTimer;
document.onmousedown = resetTimer; // touchscreen presses
document.ontouchstart = resetTimer;
document.onclick = resetTimer; // touchpad clicks
document.onkeypress = resetTimer;
document.addEventListener('scroll', resetTimer, true); // improved; see comments

Or register desired events using an array

window.addEventListener('load', resetTimer, true);
var events = ['mousedown', 'mousemove', 'keypress', 'scroll', 'touchstart'];
events.forEach(function(name) { document.addEventListener(name, resetTimer, true); });

DOM Events list:

Remember use window, or document according your needs. Here you can see the differences between them: What is the difference between window, screen, and document in Javascript?

Code Updated with @frank-conijn and @daxchen improve: window.onscroll will not fire if scrolling is inside a scrollable element, because scroll events don't bubble. window.addEventListener('scroll', resetTimer, true), the third argument tells the listener to catch event during capture phase instead of bubble phase.

Page 2

You asked for elegancy, and I created a simple class to also support a lazy check (which has an idle state), aside to the imperative way (with callbacks). In addition, this class supports "backToActive" when the idle time is violated.

class Idle {
    constructor(timeout = 10, idleCallback = null, backToActiveCallback = null, autoStart = true, backToActiveOnXHR = false) {
        this.timeout = timeout
        this.idleCallback = idleCallback
        this.backToActiveCallback = backToActiveCallback
        this.autoStart = autoStart // only F5
        this.backToActiveOnXHR = backToActiveOnXHR
        this.idle = false
        this.timer = null = ['scroll', 'mousedown', 'mousemove', 'keypress', 'scroll', 'touchstart']

    init() {
        if(this.backToActiveOnXHR) {
        } => {
            window.addEventListener(name, this.backToActive, true)
        if(this.autoStart) {

    goIdle = () => {
        this.idle = true
        if(!!this.idleCallback) {

    backToActive = () => {
        if(this.idle) {
        this.idle = false
        this.timer = setTimeout(this.goIdle, this.timeout * 1000)


let idleCallback = timeout => { console.log(`Went idle after ${timeout} seconds`) }
let backToActiveCallback = () => { console.log('Back to active') }
let idle = new Idle(30, idleCallback, backToActiveCallback)

Result in devtools:

// Went idle after 30 seconds <--- goes idle when no activity is detected
// Back to active <--- when the user is detected again

The advantage of supporting laziness:

setInterval(() => {
    common.fetchApi('/api/v1/list', { status: idle.idle ? 'away' : 'online' }).then(/* show a list of elements */)
}, 1000 * 5)

Why would you want a lazy check? Sometimes we use a periodic XHR (with setInterval), i.e. when a user watch a list of flights, rides, movies, orders etc. With each XHR we then can add information about his activity status (online / away), so we have a sense of active users in our system.

My class is based on Equiman's & Frank Conijn's answers.

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