Language models like Claude aren't programmed directly by humans—instead, they‘re trained on large amounts of data. During that training process, they learn their own strategies to solve problems. These strategies are encoded in the billions of computations a model performs for every word it writes. They arrive inscrutable to us, the model’s developers. This means that we don’t understand how models do most of the things they do.
Knowing how models like Claude think would allow us to have a better understanding of their abilities, as well as help us ensure that they’re doing what we intend them to. For example:
- Claude can speak dozens of languages. What language, if any, is it using "in its head"?
- Claude可以说数十种语言。它“在脑海中”使用的是什么语言(如果有的话)?
- Claude writes text one word at a time. Is it only focusing on predicting the next word or does it ever plan ahead?
- Claude 每次写一个单词。它是否只专注于预测下一个单词,还是有时会提前计划?
- Claude can write out its reasoning step-by-step. Does this explanation represent the actual steps it took to get to an answer, or is it sometimes fabricating a plausible argument for a foregone conclusion?
- Claude可以逐步写出其推理过程。这个解释是否代表了它得出答案所采取的实际步骤,还是有时在为一个既定结论编造一个合理的论点?
We take inspiration from the field of neuroscience, which has long studied the messy insides of thinking organisms, and try to build a kind of AI microscope that will let us identify patterns of activity and flows of information. There are limits to what you can learn just by talking to an AI model—after all, humans (even neuroscientists) don't know all the details of how our own brains work. So we look inside.
Today, we're sharing two new papers that represent progress on the development of the "microscope", and the application of it t...