使用您的 Favicon 监控长时间进程

A week or so ago, I was doing some tests on Google Colab and noticed something interesting. The notebook I was using was one that took one to two minutes to process. Before I'd start the process, the favicon looked like so:

大约一周前,我在Google Colab上做了一些测试,注意到了一些有趣的事情。我使用的笔记本需要一到两分钟的处理时间。在我开始处理之前,favicon看起来是这样的:

Favicon of an infinity symbol, bright orange color

After kicking off the workflow, the favicon changed like so:

启动工作流程后,favicon 变成了这样:

Favicon of an infinity symbol, dull gray color

To be honest, I had not noticed it earlier, but I only fairly recently started using a somewhat 'slow' notebook so it's possible I just didn't need it before. Realizing how it's being used now, I thought it was an excellent user experience feature and looked into how to use it in my own applications.


Changing the Favicon

更改 Favicon

Ok, so this part is stupid easy. Assuming you've got a favicon specified:

好吧,这部分非常简单。假设你已经指定了一个 favicon:

<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />

Then you can use simple DOM manipulation:

然后你可以使用简单的 DOM 操作:

document.querySelector('link[rel="icon"]').href = 'some new url';

This is obvious, I guess? But I tend to only think about DOM manipulation for things that are inside my BODY tags. I've done stuff outside of there before, for example, dynamically adding a <script> tag, and heck, I did a post on a similar topic back in 2010 (forgive the poor formatting, Using JavaScript to update the browser window title when the user is away), but I honestly didn't think it would be this easy.

这显而易见,对吧?但我往往只考虑对 BODY 标签内部的 DOM 操作。我以前也做过外部的事情,例如动态添加一个 <script> 标签,天哪,我在 2010 年还写过一个类似主题的帖子(请原谅糟糕的格式,使用 JavaScript 在用户离开时更新浏览器窗口标题),但老实说,我真的没想到会这么简单。

The Demo!


I hopped on Glitch to build a quick demo. First, I added a button to a page, and then used a bit of JavaScript such that clicking the button would kick off a five second delayed process:


document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init, false); let $button; async function init() { $button = ...

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