话题框架与类库 › Laravel


Conciliating Laravel and DDD (part 2)

Following a Laravel and DDD friendly architecture, we tackle the challenges of allowing the Eloquent beast to enter our domain layer.

Conciliating Laravel and DDD

This article focuses on finding common grounds for using Domain-Driven Design in the Laravel framework in a way that leverages a maximum of Laravel features.

基于 Laravel + Vue + Whisper 实现语音版 ChatGPT

基于 Inertia + Vue3 重构 ChatGPT 体验版前端并基于 Whisper 模型提供对语音聊天的支持。

How to Use Laravel Mix in Non-Laravel Projects

Is it possible to use Laravel Mix - the "Webpack simplifier" - in non-Laravel projects? Let's find out! Join Lasse Rafn on this explanatory journey!

Benchmarking Laravel, Symfony, & Zend

A variety of benchmarks comparing PHP frameworks float around the web. However, they are often comparing “apples” to “oranges”. In…

What packages do you install on every Laravel application you create?


Using illuminate/config v5 outside of Laravel :: madewithlove

Laravel Illuminate Support Package Introduction

Using Laravel Illuminate Config Package Outside Laravel

Laravel Blade @each

Use blade outside laravel

Email Verification With Laravel

Email verification is a common step in the registration process of many websites, however, it is not always clear why it is required. Here are a few reasons you may want to use email verification in…

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