
Apache Kafka® is the cornerstone of Uber’s tech stack. It plays an important role in powering several critical use cases and is the foundation for batch and real-time systems at Uber.

Apache Kafka® 是 Uber 技术栈的基石。它在推动几个关键用例方面发挥着重要作用,并且是 Uber 批处理和实时系统的基础。


Figure 1: Uber’s Data Pipeline.


Kafka stores the messages in append-only log segments on the broker’s local storage. Each topic can be configured with the targeted retention based on size or time. It gives guarantees for users to consume the data within the retention period or size even when the respective consuming applications fail or become slow for several reasons. Total storage on a cluster depends upon factors like the total number of topic partitions, produce throughput, and retention configuration. A Kafka broker typically needs to have larger storage to support the required topic partitions hosted on a broker. 


Kafka cluster storage is typically scaled by adding more broker nodes to the cluster. But this also adds needless memory and CPUs to the cluster, making overall storage cost less efficient compared to storing the older data in external storage. A larger cluster with more nodes also adds to the deployment complexity and increases operational costs because of the tight coupling of storage and processing. So, it brings several issues related to scalability, efficiency, and operations.


We proposed Kafka Tiered Storage (KIP-405) to avoid tight coupling of storage and processing in a broker. It provides two tiers of storage, called local and remote. These two tiers can have respective retention policies based on the respective use cases.

我们提出了 Kafka 分层存储 (KIP-405),以避免经纪人中存储和处理的紧密耦合。它提供了两个存储层,称为本地和远程。这两个层可以根据各自的用例具有相应的保留策略。


Figure 2: End t...


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