Figma 中 AI 搜索背后的基础设施

At Config 2024, we introduced new AI-powered search features that allow you to search across all of the designs and published components in a team or organization. We had heard countless stories of users struggling to locate a specific design or component, especially when working across large organizations with complex design systems. Now with AI-powered search, you can find what you’re looking for using just a screenshot, selection of Figma layers, or even a text description.

在 Config 2024 上,我们介绍了新的 AI 驱动搜索功能,允许您在团队或组织中的所有设计和发布的组件中进行搜索。我们听到了无数用户在大型组织中使用复杂设计系统时,难以找到特定设计或组件的故事。现在,通过 AI 驱动搜索,您可以仅使用截图、Figma 图层选择,甚至是文本描述来找到您要找的内容。

To power these features, we’re leveraging AI in two search flows—Search for designs, which is a net-new flow, and Search for components which greatly improves our component search functionality.

为了支持这些功能,我们在两个搜索流程中利用了 AI——搜索设计,这是一个全新的流程,以及搜索组件,这大大改进了我们的组件搜索功能。

Search for designs


We’ve indexed frames across all of your files so that you can find exactly what you’re looking for, even if it’s an unlabeled frame squirreled away on a file with dozens of pages. You’ll now be able to find similar designs lexically via a text description, or visually via a screenshot or selection of a similar design.


Search for components


We’ve augmented the capabilities of the Assets panel. Previously, searching across published components used strict text matching, forcing designers to manually enumerate possible keywords in descriptions. Now, Assets search offers an AI-powered semantic understanding of the component. For example, a 😀 component can be found via “smiley,” “happy,” “face,” “grin,”—no matter what it’s called. No manual SEO work required! And like Search for designs, you can also search visually via a screenshot or selection of a similar component.

我们增强了资产面板的功能。以前,跨已发布组件的搜索使用严格的文本匹配,迫使设计师在描述中手动列举可能的关键词。现在,资产搜索提供了对组件的 AI 驱动的语义理解。例如,一个 😀 组件可以通过“smiley”、“happy”、“face”、“grin”找到——无论它叫什么名字。不需要手动 SEO 工作...


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