
Written by Michael Possumato, Nick Tomlin, Jordan Andree, Andrew Shim, and Rahul Pilani.

撰稿人 迈克尔-波萨马托, 尼克-汤姆林, 乔丹-安德里, 安德鲁-沈, 和 Rahul Pilani.

As we continue to grow here at Netflix, the needs of Revenue and Growth Engineering are rapidly evolving; and our tools must also evolve just as rapidly. The Revenue and Growth Tools (RGT) team decided to set off on a journey to build tools in an abstract manner to have solutions readily available within our organization. We identified common design patterns and architectures scattered across various tools which were all duplicating efforts in some way or another.


We needed to consolidate these tools in a way that scaled with the teams we served. It needed to have the agility of a micro frontend and the extensibility of a framework to empower our stakeholders to extend our tools. We would abstract parts of which anyone can then customize, or extend, to meet their specific business or technical requirements. The end result is Lattice: RGT’s pluggable framework for micro frontends.

我们需要以一种与我们所服务的团队一起扩展的方式来整合这些工具。它需要具有微型前端的敏捷性和框架的可扩展性,以使我们的利益相关者能够扩展我们的工具。我们将抽象出一些部分,然后任何人都可以定制或扩展,以满足他们特定的业务或技术要求。最终的结果是 格子。RGT的可插拔的微前端框架.

A Different Approach to Our Tools


A UI composed of other dependencies is nothing new; it’s something all modern web applications do today. The traditional approach of bundling dependencies at build time lacks the flexibility we need to empower our stakeholders. We want external dependencies to be resolved on-demand from any number of sources, from another application to an engineer’s laptop.


This led us to the following high level objectives:


  • Low Friction Adoption: Encourage reuse of existing front end code and avoid creating new packages that encapsulate UI functionality....

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