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关联话题: 亚马逊

亚马逊公司(英文:Amazon.com, Inc.)是一家总部位于美国西雅图的跨国电子商务企业,目前是全球最大的互联网线上零售商之一,也是美国《财富》杂志2016年评选的全球最大500家公司的排行榜中的第44名。亚马逊公司在2021年的财富500强企业里列第2位。

亚马逊公司在美国、加拿大、英国、法国、德国、中国 、新加坡、意大利、西班牙、巴西、日本、印度、墨西哥、澳大利亚和荷兰均开设了零售网站,而其旗下的部分商品也会通过国际航运的物流方式销售往其他国家。波兰和瑞典等国也有望开设分站。


Stable Diffusion WebUI 在电商场景生成 AI 模特搭配服装的方案探索

本文介绍的方案应用场景是针对电商行业,一些电商公司在日常运营工作中,需要处理大量的模特搭配服装的产品图片,这些图片需要电商公司耗费成本去准备且时间周期也比较长。本方案使用 Stable Diffusion WebUI 及相关的扩展组件应用在 Amazon EC2 (本文使用 G4dn 实例) 探索一种可以快速生成AI模特适配服装产品。

Why you should develop a correction of error (COE)

Application reliability is critical. Service interruptions result in a negative customer experience, thereby reducing customer trust and business value. One best practice that we have learned at Amazon, is to have a standard mechanism for post-incident analysis. This lets us analyze a system after an incident in order to avoid reoccurrences in the future. These incidents also help us learn more about how our systems and processes work. That knowledge often leads to actions that help other incident scenarios, not just the prevention of a specific reoccurrence. The mechanism is called the Correction of Error (COE) process. Although post-event analysis is part of the COE process, it is different from a postmortem, because the focus is on corrective actions, not just documenting failures. This post will explain why you should start implementing the COE mechanism after an incident, and its components to help you get started.




亚马逊怎么实现反馈闭环? 成功的反馈闭环有哪些关键因素?

Inside Day 1: How Amazon Uses Agile Team Structures and Adaptive Practices to Innovate on Behalf of Customers

In Amazon’s 2017 letter to shareholders, CEO Jeff Bezos tackled the question “What does Day 2 look like?” According to Bezos, “Day 2 is stasis. Followed by irrelevance. Followed by excruciating, painful decline. Followed by death. And that is why it is always Day 1.” Bezos’ thoughts on corporate mortality are substantiated by recent research finding that companies listed on the Fortune 500 from 2000 to 2009 had only a 63 percent chance of survival.1 The primary reasons for their failure were inflexible, non-agile business models and the lack of innovation. Thus, Bezos’ provocative shareholder letter comment was a call to all Amazon employees to stave off Amazon’s potential demise, maintain its Day 1 startup culture, and continue to launch innovative products and services.





Tenets at Amazon

Tenets communicate how a team approaches problems and deals with conflicting priorities.

Tolerating, then Eliminating Duplication at Amazon

Teams are allow to just do a lot of things themselves, even if that duplication in exchange for moving fast.

The Away Team Model at Amazon

An Away team is a self-suficent engineering team that work on software code owned by another team (the host team) to deliver a specific project.

Single-Threaded Leaders at Amazon

Single-threaded leadership is the most critical organizational design concept at Amazon. It has been instrumental in avoiding coupling and slow velocity while increasing the number of initiatives that Amazon can run in parallel.



Strategy Letter I: Ben and Jerry’s vs. Amazon

Building a company? You’ve got one very important decision to make, because it affects everything else you do. No matter what else you do, you absolutely must figure out which camp you’re in, and gear everything you do accordingly, or you’re going to have a disaster on your hands.

亚马逊内部术语大揭秘:只有亚马逊员工知道的 15 个术语!

你知道“water spider”和“swag bucks”是什么吗?这并不是奇奇怪怪的俚语,而是亚马逊员工自己的内部语言。许多公司都有一些不为人知的生产力测量方式和员工项目,而为了方便,这些公司往往会为这些项目冠上自己的独家术语。



Amazon Narratives: Memos and working Backwards From Release

Learn early inside stories behind (ultimately) big business moves like AWS, Kindle, Prime — and the leadership principles, decision making practices, and operational processes that got them there.

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