
This is an edited version of the talk that I delivered to Design Matters in Copenhagen in September, 2022.

这是我于2022年9月在哥本哈根的Design Matters上发表的演讲的编辑版。

Delight is a word that is thrown around by designers a lot, usually when they want to complain about the work they’re not being allowed to do, or, like me, when they’re on a soapbox, trying to tell other designers how to do their jobs. So, why is delight important, and what should we be talking about when we use the word ‘delight’?

愉悦是一个经常被设计师抛来抛去的词,通常是当他们想抱怨他们不被允许做的工作时,或者像我一样,当他们站在一个肥皂盒上,试图告诉其他设计师如何做他们的工作时。那么,为什么愉悦是重要的,当我们使用 "愉悦"这个词时,我们应该谈论什么呢?

According to the internet of dictionaries, to ‘delight’ someone is to give great joy or satisfaction. There are two parts to that: Joy and satisfaction. Personally, I think a lot of focus when we talk about delight tends to focus on the joy part primarily, and not as much on the satisfaction. We aim for delight on a surface level, and not at a deeper level.

根据互联网上的字典,"取悦 "某人就是给人以极大的快乐或满足。这其中有两个部分。快乐和满足。我个人认为,当我们谈论快乐的时候,很多焦点往往主要集中在快乐的部分,而不是那么多的满足。我们的目标是在表面上的喜悦,而不是在更深的层次上。

Deep Delight vs Surface Delight


This isn't a new thought. In fact, it's been mainly stolen from Aaron Walter in his NNGroup article, and in his (fantastic) book Designing for Emotion. Aaron redrew Maslow’s heirarchy of needs into his heirarchy of user needs. As you can see above, he suggests that without functionality, reliability and usability (in that order), we can’t achieve achieve pleasurable experiences, no matter how hard the design tries. As part of that, he identifies that these first three (functional, reliable, usable) are responsible for deep delight, whereas the pleasure is only surface delight.

这并不是一个新的想法。事实上,它主要是从Aaron Walter在他的NNGroup文章中,以及在他的《为情感设计》(非常棒)一书中窃取的。Aaron把Maslow的需求层次划分为他的用户需求层次。正如你在上面看到的,他建议,如果没有功能、可靠性和可用性(按顺序),我们就不能实现愉快的体验,无论设计者如何努力。作为其中的一部分,他指出这前三者(功能性、可靠性、可用性)负责深层的愉悦,而愉悦只是表面的愉悦。

Aaron Walter's heirarchy of user needs

Aaron Walter's heirarchy of user needs


You’ll only be able to effectively satisfy someone if your product delivers on the deep ...


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