
About two years ago, I tried to improve the support of the GIF encoding in FFmpeg to make it at least decent. This notably led to the addition of the transparency mechanism in the GIF encoder. While this is not always optimal depending on your source, it is in the most common cases. Still, this was merely an attempt to prevent shaming the encoder too much.


But recently at Stupeflix, we needed a way to generate high quality GIF for the Legend app, so I decided to work on this again.


All the features presented in this blog post are available in FFmpeg 2.6, and will be used in the next version of Legend app (probably around March 26th).

这篇博文中介绍的所有功能在FFmpeg 2.6中都有,并将在下一个版本的Legend应用中使用(可能在3月26日左右)。

TL;DR: go to the Usage section to see how to use it.


Initial improvements (2013)


Let's observe the effect of the transparency mechanism introduced in 2013 in the GIF encoder:


ffmpeg -v warning -ss 45 -t 2 -i big_buck_bunny_1080p_h264.mov -vf scale=300:-1 -gifflags -transdiff -y bbb-notrans.gif
ffmpeg -v warning -ss 45 -t 2 -i big_buck_bunny_1080p_h264.mov -vf scale=300:-1 -gifflags +transdiff -y bbb-trans.gif
ls -l bbb-*.gif
-rw-r--r-- 1 ux ux 1.1M Mar 15 22:50 bbb-notrans.gif
-rw-r--r-- 1 ux ux 369K Mar 15 22:50 bbb-trans.gif


This option is enabled by default, so you will only want to disable it in case your image has very much motion or color changes.


The other implemented compression mechanism was the cropping, which is basically a way of allowing to redraw only a sub rectangle of the GIF and keep the surrounding untouched. In case of a movie, it is rarely very useful. I will get back to this later on.


But anyway, since then, I didn't make any progress on it. And while...


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