
"I just want you to feel it"


Jay Prince, from the song Feel It


I use the word feeling a lot when working on animations and gestures. For example, animations or gestures sometimes feel right or wrong. I think about that word a lot because our experiences using software are based on an intuitive understanding of the real world. When you throw something in real life, it influences how you expect something on screen to behave after you drag and release it.


By putting work, love, and care into UI details and designs, we help shape the experience and feeling users have when using an app. All the technical details and work is in service of the user's experiences and feelings. The user may not consciously notice the subtle animations we create, but if we do our job well, the tiniest gesture will feel good to them.


The team working on Shop, our digital shopping assistant, recently released a feature that allows buyers to favorite products and shops. By pressing a heart button on a product, buyers can save those products for later. When they do, the product image drops into the heart icon (containing a list of favorite products) in the navigation tab at the bottom.


In this post, I’ll show you how I approached implementing the Add to Favorite animation in Shopify’s Shop app. Specifically, we can look at the animation of the product image thumbnail appearing, then moving into the favorites tab bar icon:


Together, we'll learn:


  • How to sequence animations.
  • 如何对动画进行排序。
  • How to animate multiple properties at the same time.
  • 如何在同一时间为多个属性制作动画。
  • What interpolation is.
  • ...

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