培养苹果的问责文化 - DRI

steve jobs

I came across the acronym DRI in Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs. Which is fitting, as it seems that Jobs invented the simple concept of the Directly Responsible Individual.


The need for the DRI  came out of the need to foster a culture of accountability within teams. Product managers have a lot of responsibility, but little authority. And I should know, I started my career in the technology industry as Product Manager for VisiCalc, the first electronic spreadsheet, invented by Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston. And it wasn’t too long before I was replacing myself and hiring product managers for Software Arts other products, such as TK!Solver a tool to solve simultaneous equations. At least when I was managing Product Managers it was very clear who the DRI was!

对DRI的需求来自于在团队中培养一种问责文化的需要。产品经理有很多责任,但权力很小。我应该知道,我在技术行业的职业生涯是作为VisiCalc的产品经理开始的,这是第一个电子电子表格,由Dan Bricklin和Bob Frankston发明的。而没过多久,我就取代了自己,为Software Arts的其他产品雇用了产品经理,比如TK!Solver,一种解决同位素方程的工具。至少在我管理产品经理的时候,很清楚谁是DRI!

Steve had a habit of making sure someone was responsible for each item on any meeting agenda, so everybody knew who is responsible.


“Any effective meeting at Apple will have an action list,” says a former employee. “Next to each action item will be the DRI.” A common phrase heard around Apple when someone is trying to learn the right contact on a project: “Who’s the DRI on that?”


The DRI has responsibility for a particular task until its completion.


Here’s examples of how a DRI works from Matthew Mamet’s Medium post, Directly Responsible Individuals;

以下是Matthew Mamet的Medium 文章直接负责的个人》中关于DRI如何工作的例子。

  1. DRIs are very careful when sending email in the use of the To: vs. CC:fields  DRIs are on the To: list. Everyone else is CC’d.
  2. DRIs在发送电子邮件时,非常注意使用收件人:与抄送:字段 DRIs在收件人:列表中。其他所有人都是抄送的。
  3. When receiving email DRIs tend to ask themsel...

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