
Some people claim that there is no truth. According to these sceptics everybody is stuck in their own personal perspective. Nobody can ever know anything for sure.


Then again dogmatists believe in only one set of beliefs, which must not be questioned at all. Everybody must believe the same things, whether they are true or not.


About 400 years ago René Descartes was confronted with a similar situation: On the one hand radical sceptics said that no knowledge was possible, and on the other hand dogmatists recognised only one source of truth: the church. The result was confusion and brutal conflict – over beliefs.


But Descartes wouldn’t have it. He wanted to know, not just believe. There had to be an alternative to nihilism and righteousness of faith! On a quest for clarity and certainty, he aimed to prove the radical sceptics wrong.


Here are five steps he took:


1. Think for yourself


He started with a thought experiment, in which he took the sceptic position to the extreme and doubted everything. Everything might be an illusion. He even doubted the existence of his own body.


He came to the conclusion that even if someone doubts everything, one thing remains absolutely certain: There must be something that is doing the doubting –  there must be something that is thinking.


At first sight his famous sentence “I think therefore I am” might seem banal, but it isn’t! This is our corner stone, the very thing that we can be absolutely sure of. It can not be doubted, not even by the most radical sceptics. It is the foundation on which we can build all our knowledge, said Descartes.

乍一看,他的名句 "我思故我在 "可能看起来很平庸,但事实并非如此!这是我们的基石,是我们可以绝...


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