高效遍历InnoDB B+树与页面目录

[This post refers to innodb_ruby version 0.8.8 as of February 3, 2014.]

[This post refers to innodb_ruby version 0.8.8 as of February 3, 2014.]

In On learning InnoDB: A journey to the core, I introduced the innodb_diagrams project to document the InnoDB internals, which provides the diagrams used in this post. Later on in A quick introduction to innodb_ruby I walked through installation and a few quick demos of the innodb_space command-line tool.

On learning InnoDB: A journey to the core中,我介绍了innodb_diagrams项目,用于记录InnoDB内部结构,该项目提供了本文中使用的图表。稍后在A quick introduction to innodb_ruby中,我介绍了安装和使用innodb_space命令行工具的一些快速演示。

The physical structure of InnoDB’s INDEX pages was described in The physical structure of InnoDB index pages, and the logical structure was described in B+Tree index structures in InnoDB, and the physical structure of records was described in The physical structure of records in InnoDB. Now we’ll look in detail at the “page directory” structure that has been seen several times already, but not yet described.


In this post, only COMPACT row format (for Barracuda table format) is considered.


The purpose of the page directory


As described in the posts mentioned above, all records in INDEX pages are linked together in a singly-linked list in ascending order. However, list traversal through a page with potentially several hundred records in it is very expensive: every record’s key must be compared, and this needs to be done at each level of the B+Tree until the record sought is found on a leaf page.


The page directory greatly optimizes this search by providing a fixed-width data structure with direct pointers to 1 of every 4-8 records, in order. Thus, it can be used for a traditional binary search of the records in each page, starti...


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