
Graph modelling is a highly effective technique for representing and analysing complex and interconnected data across various domains. By deciphering relationships between entities, graph modelling can reveal insights that might be otherwise difficult to identify using traditional data modelling approaches. In this article, we will explore what graph modelling is and guide you through a step-by-step process of implementing graph modelling to create a social network graph.


What is graph modelling?


Graph modelling is a method for representing real-world entities and their relationships using nodes, edges, and properties. It employs graph theory, a branch of mathematics that studies graphs, to visualise and analyse the structure and patterns within complex datasets. Common applications of graph modelling include social network analysis, recommendation systems, and biological networks.


Graph modelling process


Step 1: Define your domain


Before diving into graph modelling, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the domain you’re working with. This involves getting acquainted with the relevant terms, concepts, and relationships that exist in your specific field. To create a social network graph, familiarise yourself with terms like users, friendships, posts, likes, and comments.


Step 2: Identify entities and relationships


After defining your domain, you need to determine the entities (nodes) and relationships (edges) that exist within it. Entities are the primary objects in your domain, while relationships represent how these entities interact with each other. In a social network graph, users are entities, and friendships are relationships.



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