
Merchants sign up for Shopify Fulfillment Network (SFN) to save time on storing, packing, and shipping their merchandise, which is distributed and balanced across our network of Shopify-certified warehouses throughout North America. We optimize the placement of inventory so it’s closer to buyers, saving on shipping time, costs, and carbon emissions.

商家签署Shopify Fulfillment Network(SFN),以节省储存、包装和运输商品的时间,这些商品在我们遍布北美的Shopify认证的仓库网络中分配和平衡。我们优化库存的位置,使其更接近买家,节省运输时间、成本和碳排放。

Recently, SFN also made it easier and more affordable for merchants to offer two-day delivery  across the United States. We consider many real-world factors to provide accurate delivery dates, optimizing for sustainable ground shipment methods and low cost.


A Platform Solution


As with most new features at Shopify, we couldn’t just build a custom solution for SFN. Shopify is an extensible platform with a rich ecosystem of apps that solve complex merchant problems. Shopify Fulfillment Network is just one of the many third-party logistics (3PL) solutions available to merchants. 

与Shopify的大多数新功能一样,我们不能只为SFN建立一个定制的解决方案。Shopify是一个可扩展的平台,拥有丰富的应用生态系统来解决复杂的商家问题。Shopify Fulfillment Network只是商家可用的众多第三方物流(3PL)解决方案之一。

This was a multi-team initiative. One team built the delivery date platform in the core of Shopify, consisting of a new set of GraphQL APIs that any 3PL can use to upload their delivery dates to the Shopify platform. Another team integrated the delivery dates into the Shopify storefront, where they are shown to buyers on the product details page and at checkout.  A third team built the system to calculate and upload SFN delivery dates to the core platform. SFN is an app that merchants install in their shops, in the same way other 3PLs interact with the Shopify platform. The SFN app calls the new delivery date APIs to upload its own delivery dates to Shopify. For accuracy, the SFN delivery dates are calculated using network, carrier and product data. Let’s take a clo...


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