
ML Education at Uber: Program Design and Outcomes

If you have read our previous article, ML Education at Uber: Frameworks Inspired by Engineering Principles, you have seen several examples of how Uber benefits from applying Engineering Principles to drive the ML Education Program’s content design and program frameworks.

如果你读过我们之前的文章。 Uber的ML教育:受工程原则启发的框架的文章,你已经看到了几个例子,说明Uber如何从应用工程原则来驱动ML教育项目的内容设计和项目框架中获益。

In this follow-up, we will dig deeper into what we believe to be other unique aspects of ML Education at Uber: our approach to Content Components, Content Delivery, Observability, and Marketing & Reach.


Our Library of Content Modules 


As mentioned in our first post, Modularity and Extensibility were huge motivations in building our learning content out of unique components. Having a uniform library of content modules provides 2 major benefits:


  1. Ability to tailor the inclusion or exclusion of component types based on the unique scope of a learning topic
  2. 能够根据学习主题的独特范围,定制包含或不包含的组件类型
  3. Consistent delivery of component types across course offerings, which reduces cognitive load for users
  4. 在不同的课程中提供一致的组件类型,这减少了用户的认知负担。

Our library is always evolving, but 4 types of core modules have been with our program since the beginning: Prerequisites, Theory, Hands-on Codelabs, and “Getting Started” Packs.

我们的图书馆一直在发展,但从一开始就有4种核心模块伴随着我们的项目。先决条件、理论、Codelabs实践和 "入门 "包。



Courses may enforce 2 primary types of prerequisites: knowledge and action-based.


An example of a knowledge prerequisite is: “understanding of basic ML concepts and familiarity with Uber’s ML development workflow.” Action-based prerequisites vary from things like requesting permissions and access to tooling or completing a unique development setup prior to the course.

一个知识先决条件的例子是。"了解基本的ML概念和熟悉Uber的ML开发工作流程。" 基于行动的先决条件有很多,比如申请权限和访问工具或在课程前完成一个独特的开发设置。

To complete most of the hands-on modules in our training courses, users are required ...


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