
We've all been there. Cooking a complex recipe where each step takes a good couple of minutes. Our hands covered in some type of sauce made of who knows how many ingredients. We go to check the next step on our phone only to see that it's gone to sleep due to inactivity. We know that even if we quickly wash our hands, there is inevitably going to be some level of greasy trail left on our phone screen as we are forced to unlock it...


Hands Covered in Dough by Anastasia Shuraeva via https://www.pexels.com/@anastasia-shuraeva/

Hands Covered in Dough by Anastasia Shuraeva via https://www.pexels.com/@anastasia-shuraeva/

Hands Covered in Dough by Anastasia Shuraeva viahttps://www.pexels.com/@anastasia-shuraeva/

However, thanks to a web API released in chrome 85, this doesn't need to be an issue any more. The Screen Wake Lock API allows us to stop the device screen from going to sleep without hacky work arounds that are likely to drain the battery of the device (Such as NoSleep.js). It is unfortunately unsupported in Firefox and Safari but I don't imagine that Firefox will be too far behind on this implementation.

然而,由于chrome 85中发布了一个网络API,这不再需要成为一个问题了。屏幕唤醒锁API允许我们阻止设备屏幕进入睡眠状态,而不需要采用可能会耗尽设备电池的黑客工作方法(如NoSleep.js)。不幸的是,它在Firefox和Safari中不被支持,但我不认为Firefox会在这个实现上落后太多。

Wake Lock only works on active tabs/windows, which I'm sure you'll all agree is a good idea. This prevents background tabs from keeping your device awake but it can also be released manually via code at any point (eg. when your blog post has finished being read).


To implement wake lock we first need to check if the feature exists in the current browser. We can do this with the following simple function.


const canWakeLock = () => 'wakeLock' in navigator;

To actually lock the wake state, we need to call request on our the wakeLock object in the navigator. We can also wrap a...


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