
In an introductory article, we talked about the importance of Graph Networks in fraud detection. In this article, we will be adding some further context on graphs, graph technology and some common use cases.


Connectivity is the most prominent feature of today’s networks and systems. From molecular interactions, social networks and communication systems to power grids, shopping experiences or even supply chains, networks relating to real-world systems are not random. This means that these connections are not static and can be displayed differently at different times. Simple statistical analysis is insufficient to effectively characterise, let alone forecast, networked system behaviour.


As the world becomes more interconnected and systems become more complex, it is more important to employ technologies that are built to take advantage of relationships and their dynamic properties. There is no doubt that graphs have sparked a lot of attention because they are seen as a means to get insights from related data. Graph theory-based approaches show the concepts underlying the behaviour of massively complex systems and networks.


What are graphs?


Graphs are mathematical models frequently used in network science, which is a set of technological tools that may be applied to almost any subject. To put it simply, graphs are mathematical representations of complex systems.


Origin of graphs


The first graph was produced in 1736 in the city of Königsberg, now known as Kaliningrad, Russia. In this city, there were two islands with two mainland sections that were connected by seven different bridges.



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