
Trustworthy experiments are key to making sound decisions, so analysts and data scientists put a lot of effort into analysing them and making business impacts. An extension of Grab’s Experimentation (GrabX) platform, Automated Experiment Analysis is one of Grab’s data products that helps automate statistical analyses of experiments. It also provides automatic experimental data pipelines and customised tests for different types of experiments.

可信的实验是做出正确决策的关键,因此分析师和数据科学家在分析实验和产生业务影响方面投入了大量的精力。作为Grab 实验(GrabX)平台的延伸,自动实验分析是 Grab 的数据产品之一,有助于自动进行实验的统计分析。它还为不同类型的实验提供自动实验数据管道和定制的测试。

Designed to help Grab in its journey of innovation and data-driven decision making, the data product helps to:


  1. Standardise and automate the basic experiment analysis process on Grab experiments.
  2. 对Grab实验的基本实验分析过程进行标准化和自动化。
  3. Ensure post-experiment results are reproducible under a company-wide standard, and easily reviewed by each other.
  4. 确保实验后的结果在全公司范围内的标准下是可重复的,并易于相互审查。
  5. Democratise the institutional knowledge of experimentation across functions.
  6. 使各职能部门对实验的机构知识民主化。



Today, the GrabX platform provides the ability to define, configure, and execute online controlled experiments (OCEs), often called A/B tests, to gather trustworthy data and make data-driven decisions about how to improve our products.

今天,GrabX 平台提供了定义、配置和执行在线控制实验(OCE)(通常称为 A/B 测试)的能力,以收集值得信赖的数据,并就如何改进我们的产品做出数据驱动的决定。

Before the automated analysis, each experiment was analysed manually on an ad-hoc basis. This manual and federated model brings in several challenges at the company level:


  1. Inefficiency: Repetitive nature of data pipeline building and basic post-experiment analyses incur large costs and deplete the analysts’ bandwidth from running deeper analyses.
  2. 效率低下。重复性的数据管道建设和基本的实验后分析会产生大量的成本,并消耗分析师的带宽来进行更深入的分析。
  3. Lack of quality control: Risk of unstandardised, inaccurate or late results as the platform cannot exercise data-governance/control or extend offerings to Grab’s other entities...

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