
Ruby is one of the few programming languages that get equality right. I often play around with other languages, but keep coming back to Ruby. This is largely because Ruby’s implementation of equality is so nice.


Nonetheless, equality in Ruby isn't straightforward. There is #==, #eql?, #equal?, #===, and more. Even if you’re familiar with how to use them, implementing them can be a whole other story.


Let's walk through all forms of equality in Ruby and how to implement them.


Why Properly Implementing Equality Matters


We check whether objects are equal all the time. Sometimes we do this explicitly, sometimes implicitly. Here are some examples:


  • Do these two Employees work in the same Team? Or, in code: denis.team == someone.team.
  • 这两个Employees ,是否在同一个Team ?或者,在代码中。denis.team == someone.team.
  • Is the given DiscountCode valid for this particular Product? Or, in code: product.discount_codes.include?(given_discount_code).
  • 给定的DiscountCode ,对这个特定的Product ,是否有效?或者,在代码中。product.discount_codes.include?(given_discount_code).
  • Who are the (distinct) managers for this given group of employees? Or, in code: employees.map(&:manager).uniq.
  • 谁是这组雇员的(不同的)经理?或者,用代码表示。employees.map(&:manager).uniq.

A good implementation of equality is predictable; it aligns with our understanding of equality.


An incorrect implementation of equality, on the other hand, conflicts with what we commonly assume to be true. Here is an example of what happens with such an incorrect implementation:


The geb and geb_also objects should definitely be equal. The fact that the code says they’re not is bound to cause bugs down the line. Luckily, we can implement equality ourselves and avoid this class of bugs.

gebgeb_also 对象肯定应该是相等的。事实上,代码中说它们不相等,必然会导致下一步的错误。幸运...


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