USL - Uber的统一注册和登录堆栈

USL – Uber’s Unified Signup and Login Stack

Uber has operations in over 10,000 cities worldwide and its services include ridesharing, food delivery, package delivery, couriers, freight transportation, electric bicycle and motorized scooter rental, and ferry transport.


Every year we have millions of users going through signup and login on our various apps. Over the years we’ve built independent signup and login experiences for each of our lines of business which allowed us to innovate and move a lot quicker. However, as we scaled and added additional lines of business, our experiences began to diverge leading to some of these inconsistencies being amplified. USL (unified signup and login) enables the vision of “One Uber Identity” through a unified signup and login experience across all Uber apps.

每年,我们有数百万用户在我们的各种应用程序上进行注册和登录。多年来,我们为每条业务线建立了独立的注册和登录体验,这使我们能够进行创新并加快行动速度。然而,随着我们的规模扩大和增加业务线,我们的经验开始出现分歧,导致其中一些不一致的地方被放大了。USL(统一注册和登录)通过所有Uber应用程序的统一注册和登录体验,实现了 "统一Uber身份 "的愿景

Background and Existing Challenges


Screenshots below depict the growing inconsistencies in the signup and login experience for users over time, which led to difficulties in maintaining them from a product and engineering perspective.


Figure 1: Different signup and login experiences at Uber prior to USL. Mobile Clients: Rider signup/login, Uber Eats signup/login, Driver signup, Driver login. Web Clients: Rider login, Uber Eats login, U4B login, Rider Signup

图1:在USL之前,Uber的不同注册和登录体验。移动客户端。骑手注册/登录,Uber Eats注册/登录,司机注册,司机登录。网络客户端。骑手登录, Uber Eats登录, U4B登录, 骑手注册

Here are some of the challenges faced by our users and internal stakeholders:


  • Inconsistency: Vast differences between signup and login experiences across Uber apps lead to unnecessary cognitive overhead for users interacting with multiple Uber apps, which in turns causes frustration and drop-offs. These inconsistencies also resulted in forcing users to create duplicate accounts. For exa...

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