
Here at Vimeo, we place a premium on data. Our data engineering organization uses event tracking to collect billions of data points about how our users interact with our products. This information informs the decisions that we make about how to improve our user experience.


Our original internal event tracking system, which is no longer in use but which I want to talk about anyway, went by the name of Fatal Attraction. If that sounds familiar, then you’ve probably seen the film where Glenn Close’s character takes a turn for the crazy after an extramarital affair with Michael Douglas’s character. Our own (data) love affair started off a little differently when the very first Fatal Attraction event was sent in January 2015.

我们最初的内部事件跟踪系统,已经不再使用,但我还是想谈谈,它的名字叫 "致命吸引力"。如果这听起来很熟悉,那么你可能已经看过这部电影,其中格伦-克洛斯的角色在与迈克尔-道格拉斯的角色发生婚外情后变得疯狂起来。我们自己的(数据)恋情在2015年1月第一次发送《致命吸引力》事件时,开始的方式有点不同。

At the center of this legacy system was a JavaScript client that we used to embed event tracking code into HTTP POST requests sent the event data to an HTTP server, which was our internal logging framework. The data ended up in a Kafka topic and was later cleaned and processed with Airflow before being stored in Snowflake, our data warehouse of choice. The data would then be used for analysis in Snowflake and Looker.

这个遗留系统的中心是一个JavaScript客户端,我们用来将事件跟踪代码嵌入到。HTTP POST请求将事件数据发送到HTTP服务器,这是我们的内部日志框架。这些数据最终被放在Kafka主题中,随后被Airflow清理和处理,然后被存储在我们选择的数据仓库Snowflake中。然后,这些数据将被用于在Snowflake和Looker的分析。

Let’s roll back the clock about four years and have a look at Fatal Attraction and explore the reasons why we eventually retired it.


About the FA specification


Fatal Attraction, or FA to us, was designed to collect data about page interactions like clicks, page views, and impressions. We had a specification for FA events where the payload consisted of a subset of the following event tracking elements:

Fatal Attraction,对我们...


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