我们如何学习 你如何学习

At Duolingo, our goal is to make language learning fun and effective. We think the best education should be full of play, so we're constantly developing new features that make learning new things — and practicing old things — feel like a game! At the same time, we're serious about taking a scientific, data-driven approach to all of our products, and about sharing what we learn with the world. In this post, we'll take a look at the science behind the Duolingo skill strength meter, which we published in an Association of Computational Linguistics article earlier this year....


Strength meters


Any Duolingo user knows that we organize lessons into thematically or grammatically related skills. And any student of a second language knows that you gradually forget what you've learned over time. That's why Duolingo uses strength meters to help you keep tabs on how well you remember each skill, so you can go back and practice at just the right time.


**Figure 1.**Left: A Duolingo skill tree with strength meters. Right: A skill detail screen, showing words that most need to be practiced.


As soon as you finish a skill, its strength meter is usually at full bars (with a gold icon). Once the meter slips to half-full, though, you know it's time to practice. You can do this by choosing a skill to see your weakest words, and then strengthen them with a custom practice session made just for you.


So how do these strength meters work? And how do we know which words you should practice at any given time?


The student model and forge...


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