Uber公司的Apache Hadoop基础设施的容器化

Containerizing Apache Hadoop Infrastructure at Uber



As Uber’s business grew, we scaled our Apache Hadoop (referred to as ‘Hadoop’ in this article) deployment to 21000+ hosts in 5 years, to support the various analytical and machine learning use cases. We built a team with varied expertise to address the challenges we faced running Hadoop on bare-metal: host lifecycle management, deployment and automation, Hadoop core development, and customer facing portals.

随着Uber业务的增长,我们在5年内将Apache Hadoop(本文中称为 "Hadoop")的部署规模扩大到21000多台主机,以支持各种分析和机器学习用例。我们建立了一个具有不同专长的团队,以解决我们在裸机上运行Hadoop所面临的挑战:主机生命周期管理、部署和自动化、Hadoop核心开发,以及面向客户的门户网站。

With the growing complexity and size of Hadoop infrastructure, it became increasingly difficult for the team to keep up with the various responsibilities around managing such a large fleet. Fleet-wide operations using scripts and tooling consumed a lot of engineering time. Bad hosts started piling up without timely repairs.


As we continued to maintain our own bare-metal deployment for Hadoop, the rest of the company made significant progress in the microservices world. Solutions for container orchestration, host lifecycle management, service mesh, and security laid the foundations, making management of microservices far more efficient and less cumbersome.


In 2019, we started a journey to re-architect the Hadoop deployment stack. Fast forward 2 years, over 60% of Hadoop runs in Docker containers, bringing major operational benefits to the team. As a result of the initiative, the team handed off many of their responsibilities to other infrastructure teams, and was able to focus more on core Hadoop development. 


Figure 1: Team Responsibilities Shift


This article provides a summary of problems we faced, and how we solved them ...


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