
The Android engineering team at Lyft exclusively uses IntelliJ to develop new Android features (Android Studio is on the horizon, but that’s for another article). The IntelliJ platform offers a powerful SDK that enables developers to build plugins that enrich the IDE’s feature set, and a few years ago the team decided to take advantage of this SDK by building a plugin. There were a few goals in mind:

Lyft的Android工程团队完全使用IntelliJ来开发新的Android功能(Android Studio即将问世,但这是另一篇文章)。IntelliJ平台提供了一个强大的SDK,使开发人员能够建立插件来丰富IDE的功能集,几年前,该团队决定通过建立一个插件来利用这个SDK。当时心里有几个目标。

  1. Improve developer efficiency — Provide tools to incrementally improve the developer experience.
  2. 提高开发人员的效率--提供工具,逐步改善开发人员的体验。
  3. Encourage best practices — Generate templated code that conforms to the team’s best practices.
  4. 鼓励最佳实践- 生成符合团队最佳实践的模板化代码。
  5. Improve developer sentiment — Improve the mobile development experience at Lyft.
  6. 改善开发者的情绪 - 改善Lyft的移动开发体验。

If these goals resonate, continue on! Developing an enterprise-level IntelliJ plugin is easier than one might think. This blog post should have everything required to get started with writing an enterprise-level plugin.


Does the team need an IntelliJ plugin?


Before building a plugin, it is important to evaluate whether or not the team needs one! The following questions would be worthwhile to ask:


Are operations performed repeatedly during development?


Common operations may include generating test files with a specified internal format, implementing common architectural components, etc. If any of these ideas feel familiar, a plugin may be right for the team.


Android Rider and Driver line count (in millions) over time


Is the team large enough to benefit from a shared IntelliJ plugin?


Engineering velocity initiatives become more and more important as the size ...


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