
Felix Fang | Software Engineer, Advertiser Solutions Group

Felix Fang | 软件工程师,广告商解决方案组

Chi Xu | Software Engineer, Advertiser Solutions Group


Pinterest is where people go to plan and shop, making ideas and ads from brands helpful in taking Pinners from inspiration to action. It’s our goal to ensure ads continue to be additive and not intrusive on Pinterest. Because of the unique and powerful first party signals on the platform, advertisers can reach Pinners based on their interests, intent and engagement on the platform.


To help in delivering the right ads to the right Pinners in an audience of hundreds of millions of people, we offer advertisers features to achieve relevance including Actalike (AAL) audiences, also known in the industry as Lookalike audiences. AAL audiences help advertisers reach potentially new users via audience expansion.


In this blog, we’ll focus on the machine learning model component of relevant ads delivery and explain how we achieve high quality audience expansion through universal user embedding representations together with per-advertiser classifier models. We demonstrate the power of the proposed combined approach by showing better performance over both regression-based and similarity-based approaches.


Our Proposed Approach: User Embeddings + MLP Classifiers


AAL methods mainly fall into two categories: regression-based and similarity-based approaches [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Regression-based approaches treat the task as a binary classification problem, train a model for each seed list offline, and use such models to score candidate users directly, as shown in Figure 2a. Similarity-based approaches learn...


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