
Customer Support Automation Platform at Uber

High Level Overview of the Problem


If you’ve used any online/digital service, chances are that you are familiar with what a typical customer service experience entails: you send a message (usually email aliased) to the company’s support staff, fill out a form, expect some back and forth with a customer service representative (CSR), and hopefully have your issue resolved. This process can often feel inefficient and slow. Typically, this might be attributable to the tooling/processes made available to CSRs for solving your issue. For any given issue, the CSR has to navigate standard operating procedures (SOPs, a.k.a. flow) with proliferating undocumented branches/edge cases making their work mundane, tedious, and imprecise. The manual maintenance and navigation of these SOPs can create a bureaucratic bottleneck, which ultimately leaves the customer dissatisfied.


Uber Specific Context


At Uber, as we scale globally with our various products (Rides, Eats, Freight, etc.), we faced similar challenges and inefficiencies around customer service interactions. We solved these challenges by developing Policy Engine (PE): a platform that enables standardization of SOP authoring, navigation, and execution to improve efficiency, increase egalitarian application of policies, and enable automation. This blog post shares the unique technical challenges faced in building this platform to enable the codification of complex customer interactions.


Prior to the development of PE, Uber had invested in developing automation flows to solve issues for which users were commonly reaching out (e.g., cancellat...


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