
  • ATF — Available to Fulfill inventory
  • ATF- 可供履行的库存
  • On-Hand — Physical amount of Inventory available
  • 在手- 可用的库存实物量
  • SKU — Stock Keeping Unit, which represents a distinct type of item for sale.
  • SKU- 库存单位,代表一种不同类型的销售物品。
  • Location — Representation of a physical location like a store or warehouse where SKU’s are present
  • 位置- 代表一个物理位置,如商店或仓库,其中有SKU的存在
  • Location Group — A Logical aggregation of typically one or more Locations.
  • 地点组- 通常是一个或多个地点的逻辑集合。
  • Reservation or Inventory Reservation — Reserving a quantity of a SKU. For example: Reservation of 5 iPod-Nanos-Red
  • 保留或库存保留- 保留一个SKU的数量。比如说。保留5个iPod-Nanos-Red
  • Inventory Records — A quantity for a SKU at a particular location.
  • 库存记录- 某一地点的SKU的数量。

Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a product that provides e-commerce solutions for both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) companies. To continue enhancing what we are able to offer our customers, we needed to build a multi-tenant, omnichannel inventory availability solution that could be shared by multiple Salesforce products, including B2C Enterprise, Order Management, and B2B. This solution needed to be highly available, highly performant, and highly accurate in its bookkeeping, while unlocking new features like Location Level Inventory Aggregation.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud是一个为企业对企业(B2B)企业对消费者(B2C)公司提供电子商务解决方案的产品。为了继续加强我们能够为客户提供的服务,我们需要建立一个多租户、全渠道的库存可用性解决方案,可以由多个Salesforce产品共享,包括B2C企业、订单管理和B2B。这个解决方案需要高度的可用性、高度的性能和高度的记账准确性,同时释放新的功能,如位置级库存聚合。

Location Level Inventory Aggregation is a feature that enables the aggregation of inventory from one or more locations into a Location Group, thereby allowing inventory reservations to be performed at either Location or Location Group level for BOPIS (Buy On-line and Pickup in store) among other omnichannel scenarios.


The solution which was to be built had to deal with high contention reservation and row lock concerns associated with scenarios like flash sales over a few highly sought aft...


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