
This is a continuation of our series on Airbnb’s Page Performance Score, a score that measures multiple performance metrics from real users on any platform. Series: Part 1 and Part 2.

这是我们关于以下系列的继续 Airbnb的页面性能得分,这是一个衡量任何平台上真实用户的多种性能指标的分数。系列。 第一部分 第二部分.

Nicholas Miller


At Airbnb, we created the Page Performance Score to provide our engineers and data scientists a multitude of user-centric performance metrics to better understand and improve our products. In this post, we will dive deeper into how we define these metrics and instrument them on iOS.


Page System


The entire customer journey on Airbnb is divided into different pages, each of which has its own measured Page Performance Score (PPS). In order to support this page-based performance tracking system, we built a standardized infrastructure that enables engineers to configure pages representing their features.


On iOS, a page is associated with a UIViewController. We collect performance data throughout a UIViewController’s lifecycle and only emit the logging event on viewDidDisappear. This logging event cannot be created or sent without a PageName, a universal page identifier.




Due to the many edge cases and complexities involved in instrumenting these metrics, we created a Page Performance Score state machine class, called PPSStateMachine. This class encapsulates all the logic to track and compute the performance metrics and generate logging events. Any engineer who wants to log a PPS event can do so by obtaining the PPSStateMachine associated with their UIViewController and calling the relevant methods during the UIViewController’s lifecycle events. To make things even simpler, we’ve built addition...


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