Pinterest Druid假日负载测试

Isabel Tallam | Senior Software Engineer; Jian Wang | Senior Software Engineer; Jiaqi Gu| Senior Software Engineer; Yi Yang | Senior Software Engineer; and Kapil Bajaj | Engineering Manager, Real-timeAnalytics team

Isabel Tallam | 高级软件工程师;Jian Wang | 高级软件工程师;Jiaqi Gu | 高级软件工程师;Yi Yang | 高级软件工程师;Kapil Bajaj | 工程经理,Real-timeAnalytics团队

Like many companies, Pinterest sees an increase in traffic in the last three months of the year. We need to make sure our systems are ready for this increase in traffic so we don’t run into any unexpected problems. This is especially important as Pinners come to Pinterest at this time for holiday planning and shopping. Therefore, we do a yearly exercise of testing our systems with additional load. During this time, we verify that our systems are able to handle the expected traffic increase. On Druid we look at several checks to verify:


  • Queries: We make sure the service is able to handle the expected increase in QPS while at the same time supporting the P99 Latency SLA our clients need.
  • 查询。我们确保服务能够处理预期增加的QPS,同时支持我们客户需要的P99延迟SLA。
  • Ingestion: We verify that the real-time ingestion is able to handle the increase in data.
  • 摄取。我们验证实时摄取是否能够处理数据的增加。
  • Increase in Data size: We confirm that the storage system has sufficient capacity to handle the increased data volume.
  • 数据量的增加。我们确认存储系统有足够的容量来处理增加的数据量。

In this post, we’ll provide details about how we run the holiday load test and verify Druid is able to handle the expected increases mentioned above.


Graph showing September through December with Pinterest traffic increases at the end of the year. Pins on the graph show users looking for inspiration for fall and winter holidays.

Pinterest traffic increases as users look for inspiration for holidays.


How We Run Load Tests


As mentioned above, the areas our teams focus on are:


  • Can the system handle increased query traffic?
  • 系统能否处理增加的查询流量?
  • Can the system handle the increase in data ingestion?
  • 系统...

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