


At Nextdoor, we help neighbors, small businesses, large brands, and public agencies create trusted connections and exchange helpful information, goods, and services. One of the top reasons neighbors tell us they come to Nextdoor is to stay informed. We help neighbors stay informed with relevant updates that are timely, local, and connected to people and places that matter to them. Nextdoor provides these updates through what we refer to going forward as ‘notifications’, which includes email, push, and in-product notifications. We provide neighbors control to these notifications and they have the capability to dial up/down these channels based on the frequency they desire at any time. These notifications help neighbors stay informed on what’s most important in their neighborhood and actively contribute to their communities.

在Nextdoor,我们帮助邻居、小企业、大品牌和公共机构建立可信的联系,并交换有用的信息、商品和服务。邻居们告诉我们,他们来到Nextdoor的首要原因之一是为了保持信息。我们帮助邻居们通过相关的更新来保持信息,这些更新是及时的、本地的,并与与他们有关的人和地方相联系。Nextdoor通过我们所说的 "通知 "来提供这些更新,其中包括电子邮件、推送和产品内通知。我们为邻居们提供了对这些通知的控制权,他们有能力根据他们希望的频率随时拨高/降低这些渠道。这些通知帮助邻居们了解他们社区中最重要的事情,并积极为他们的社区作出贡献。

Some of our most valuable and voluminous notifications are those that notify neighbors of “new” or “trending” posts that are available in their vicinity. These two types of notifications are sent in real-time to chosen audiences in order to best provide relevant updates in a timely manner. Specifically:

我们最有价值和数量最多的通知是那些通知邻居他们附近的 "新 "或 "趋势 "帖子的通知。这两种类型的通知是实时发送给选定的受众的,以便最好地及时提供相关更新。具体而言。

  • New Post Notifications: Sent immediately after the post is created.
  • 新帖子通知。在帖子创建后立即发送。
  • Trending Post Notifications: Sent as the post generates conversation and becomes more popular/trending over time.
  • 趋势帖子通知。当帖子产生对话并随着时间的推移变得更加流行/趋势时发送。

In this blog post, we will share the underlying system for how we send the right notification to the right neighbor at the right volume using machine learning. The focus of this article is slightly more on the decision-making system and less on infrastructure details. The latter would be better suite...


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