介绍 Lightstep Receiver for OpenTelemetry Collector

OpenTelemetry is a vendor-neutral, flexible standard that supports traces, metrics, and logs all in one place. Organizations who adopted older tracing solutions like OpenTracing or custom legacy tracer libraries to instrument their applications are faced with a migration task.

OpenTelemetry 是一个中立的、灵活的标准,支持在一个地方处理追踪、指标和日志。采用较旧的跟踪解决方案如 OpenTracing 或自定义传统跟踪器库来为其应用程序提供监控的组织面临迁移任务。

Today, we’re excited to announce the Lightstep Receiver for OpenTelemetry Collector, a component capable to receive tracing traffic from legacy Lightstep tracers, convert it to OpenTelemetry and propagate via OpenTelemetry Collector's traces pipeline.

今天,我们很高兴地宣布 Lightstep Receiver 用于 OpenTelemetry Collector,这是一个能够接收来自传统 Lightstep 跟踪器的跟踪流量、将其转换为 OpenTelemetry 并通过 OpenTelemetry Collector 的跟踪管道传播的组件。

If your application is instrumented with legacy Lightstep tracer library supporting only Lightstep satellites as trace collector, the OpenTelemetry Collector together with the Lightstep Receiver provides a straightforward way to export your trace data to any backend system which OpenTelemetry collector supports. For Zalando that opens a possibility to engage our application fleet into OpenTelemetry without a need to switch applications themselves from Lightstep tracers to OpenTelemetry.

如果您的应用程序使用仅支持 Lightstep 卫星作为跟踪收集器的传统 Lightstep 跟踪器库进行仪器化,OpenTelemetry Collector 与 Lightstep 接收器一起提供了一种简单的方法,将您的跟踪数据导出到 OpenTelemetry Collector 支持的任何后端系统。对于 Zalando,这为我们的应用程序群体参与 OpenTelemetry 开辟了可能性,而无需将应用程序本身从 Lightstep 跟踪器切换到 OpenTelemetry。

Supported tracers and protocols


The lightstepreceiver receives OpenTracing traces from Lightstep tracers converting them into OpenTelemetry traces propagating it further in pipelines:

lightstepreceiver 从 Lightstep 跟踪器接收 OpenTracing 跟踪,将其转换为 OpenTelemetry 跟踪,并在管道中进一步传播:

Trace Ingestion Pipeline

Configuration steps


Here's a simple guide to set up your OpenTelemetry Collector and send your traces to any backend of your choice:

这是一个简单的指南,用于设置您的 OpenTelemetry Collector 并将您的追踪发送到您选择的任何后端:

  • Build the custom OpenTelemetry Collector: You need to...

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