话题中间件与数据库 › MongoDB


关联话题: Mongo





Cart Migration from Cassandra to Mongo for an enhanced shopping performance

Cart is a critical component in an e-commerce business. A smooth checkout process increases User’s confidence in the platform. Given the importance of a Cart in preserving the user intent to purchase we need to make sure the Cart systems are highly stable, performant, fault-tolerant & resilient to high traffic.

Myntra continues to grow at a rapid pace when it comes to its user base. The more users onboard onto the platform, the more shopping carts are created and we have more operations per Cart. Cart data is persisted in the Cassandra datastore. Cassandra was a compelling choice for Cart persistence due to its massive scalability with respect to write operations and fault tolerance capabilities. However, why this failed to be our perfect choice & our migration journey towards MongoDB is what we will be discussing in this blog post.

Are you using the right Mongo geospatial query?

We recently got a report from one of our galleries in the Los Angeles area that they weren’t showing up on our Los Angeles exhibition listings.

I fielded the report and right away confirmed: when we asked our core API for /shows?near=, sure enough this gallery partner didn’t make the cut.

Turns out they are based in Santa Monica, a separate and neighboring municipality. They must not be within the 25km radius that we use by default for these sorts of queries.

Optimizing Myntra’s Pricing System for Serving Millions of Traffic under 30ms Latency

Myntra’s pricing system is responsible for uploading various discounts for different products and serving them to multiple services. Currently, the pricing system has been serving discount information with a latency of 150ms for millions of traffic. With increasing scale and the need to disseminate discount information to several other systems, it became essential to scale the system to handle the increased load while maintaining its resilience, robustness, and fault tolerance. Several new features are being developed which require pricing information to be available in synchronous flows. To enable all these features, our pricing system needs to scale to handle 10s of millions of requests with latency as low as 30ms.




ByteDoc 3.0:MongoDB 云原生实践

本文分享的是 Bytedoc 3.0 关于集群交付方面的内容以及一些云原生的实践:如何将 Bytedoc 3.0 与云原生的能力结合起来,交付用户一个开箱即用的集群,与软件层的能力相匹配,最大化展示 Bytedoc 3.0 具备的“弹性”能力。

MongoDB - 全方位知识图谱

MongoDB是一个强大的分布式存储引擎,天然支持高可用、分布式和灵活设计。MongoDB 的一个很重要的设计理念是:服务端只关注底层核心能力的输出,至于怎么用,就尽可能的将工作交个客户端去决策。这也就是 MongoDB 灵活性的保证,但是灵活性带来的代价就是使用成本的提升。与MySql相比,想要用好MongoDB,减少在项目中出问题,用户需要掌握的东西更多。本文致力于全方位的介绍MongoDB的理论和应用知识,目标是让大家可以通过阅读这篇文章之后能够掌握MongoDB的常用知识,具备在实际项目中高效应用MongoDB的能力。本文既有MongoDB基础知识也有相对深入的进阶知识,同时适用于对MonogDB感兴趣的初学者或者希望对MongoDB有更深入了解的业务开发者。

MongoDB 基础浅谈



腾讯 MongoDB目前广泛应用于游戏、电商、ugc、物联网等场景,很多客户在使用过程中库表数量会大量增长,甚至达到百万级别,导致性能急剧下降,严重影响客户业务。腾讯数据库研发中心CMongo团队在进行深入性能分析之后,改造底层引擎为共享表空间架构,新架构在百万级库表的场景下,相比原生版本读写性能提升 1-2 个数量级,内存消耗显著降低,启动时间从原先小时级缩短到一分钟内。

MongoDB 在评论中台的实践

讲述 vivo 评论中台在数据库设计上的技术探索和实践。






现在聊天和视频会议应用火遍全球。 Slack、Microsoft Teams、Zoom、Google Meet、Facebook Rooms等应用程序越来越受欢迎。这是因为Covid-19大流行,我们所有人不得不呆在家里,所以掌握在线工作和协作的能力变得非常必要。聊天和视频会议应用解决了我们的困境,并提供了有效的远程团队协作工具,所以其用&#

MongoDB 2015回顾:全新里程碑式的WiredTiger存储引擎

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