话题框架与类库 › MessagePack


Caching Without Marshal Part 2: The Path to MessagePack

Shopify wanted a cache format that would not blow up when we shipped code changes. Part two of Caching Without Marshal describes the MessagePack format, and how we migrated to MessagePack.

Caching Without Marshal Part 1: Marshal from the Inside Out

Caching is critical to how Rails applications work. At every layer, whether it be in page rendering, database querying, or external data retrieval, the cache is what ensures that no single bottleneck brings down an entire application.

But caching has a dirty secret, and that secret’s name is Marshal.

Marshal is Ruby’s ultimate sharp knife, able to transform almost any object into a binary blob and back. This makes it a natural match for the diverse needs of a cache, particularly the cache of a complex web framework like Rails. From actions, to pages, to partials, to queries—you name it, if Rails is touching it, Marshal is probably caching it.

Marshal’s magic, however, comes with risks.


“N 高 N 可”,高性能、高并发、高可用、高可靠、可扩展、可维护、可用性等是后台开发耳熟能详的词了,它们中有些词在大部分情况下表达相近意思。本序列文章旨在探讨和总结后台架构设计中常用的技术和方法,并归纳成一套方法论。

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