
Inside Day 1: How Amazon Uses Agile Team Structures and Adaptive Practices to Innovate on Behalf of Customers

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In Amazon’s 2017 letter to shareholders, CEO Jeff Bezos tackled the question “What does Day 2 look like?” According to Bezos, “Day 2 is stasis. Followed by irrelevance. Followed by excruciating, painful decline. Followed by death. And that is why it is always Day 1.” Bezos’ thoughts on corporate mortality are substantiated by recent research finding that companies listed on the Fortune 500 from 2000 to 2009 had only a 63 percent chance of survival.1 The primary reasons for their failure were inflexible, non-agile business models and the lack of innovation. Thus, Bezos’ provocative shareholder letter comment was a call to all Amazon employees to stave off Amazon’s potential demise, maintain its Day 1 startup culture, and continue to launch innovative products and services.

在亚马逊2017年致股东的信中,首席执行官杰夫-贝索斯解决了 "第2天是什么样子 "的问题。根据贝索斯的说法,"第2天是停滞。随后是不相关。紧接着是令人痛苦的衰退。紧接着是死亡。这就是为什么它总是第1天"。贝索斯关于企业死亡的想法得到了证实,最近的研究发现,从2000年到2009年,财富500强中的公司只有63%的生存机会。因此,贝索斯的挑衅性股东信评论是对所有亚马逊员工的呼吁,以避免亚马逊的潜在消亡,保持其第一天的创业文化,并继续推出创新产品和服务。

In fact, customer obsession and quick decision-making are key to avoiding organizational stasis and are essential for maintaining Amazon’s unique Day 1 culture. These two factors have enabled Amazon to rapidly go-to-market with its innovative products and services. Cameron and Quinn’s Competing Values Framework2 would describe Amazon’s Day 1 as an adhocracy culture type that is flexibly structured and externally focused on customers. Companies with an adhocracy culture value growth, variety, and stimulation, which encourage risk-taking, creativity, and agile ways of working. Compared to Day 1, Day 2 organizations are described as: (1) being too focused on following organizational processes even if the outcome is undesirable to the customer; (2) unable to quickly embrace external trends (e.g., cloud computing and artificial intelligence); (3) managing to proxies (e.g., using market research as a proxy for customers); and (4) making slow decisions.3 A Day 2 culture would be described b...


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