
Authors: Alberto Ordonez Pereira; Senior Staff Software Engineer | Lianghong Xu; Senior Manager, Engineering |

作者:Alberto Ordonez Pereira;高级软件工程师 | Lianghong Xu;高级经理,工程 |

This is the second part of a three series and focuses on how we selected the new storage technology that ended up replacing HBase.




HBase has been a foundational storage system at Pinterest since its inception in 2013, when it was deployed at a massive scale and supported numerous use cases. However, it started to show significant inadequacy to keep up with the evolving business needs due to various reasons mentioned in the previous blog. As a result, two years ago we started searching for a next-generation storage technology that could replace HBase for many years to come and enable business critical use cases to scale beyond the existing storage limitations.

HBase 自 2013 年创立以来一直是 Pinterest 的基础存储系统,在大规模部署并支持众多用例。然而,由于之前博客中提到的各种原因,它开始显示出无法满足不断发展的业务需求的明显不足。因此,两年前我们开始寻找一种能够取代 HBase 并在未来多年内支持业务关键用例并克服现有存储限制的下一代存储技术。

Methodology for Selecting a Datastore


While many factors need to be considered in the decision making process, our experiences with the pain points of HBase offered invaluable insights that guided our criteria for selecting the next datastore.

在决策过程中需要考虑许多因素,我们对 HBase 的痛点经验提供了宝贵的见解,这些见解指导了我们选择下一个数据存储的标准。

  • Reliability. This is crucial, as the datastore would serve Pinterest online traffic. An outage could significantly impact Pinterest’s overall site availability. Key aspects to consider:
    - Resilience to failure of one node or an entire Availability Zone (AZ).
    - Maturity of maintenance operations such as capacity changes, cluster upgrade, etc.
    - Support for multi-region deployment with an active-active architecture.
    - Disaster recovery to support operations necessary to recover the system from disaster scenarios. This includes full backup and restore at the granularity of cluster/table/database level and Point In Time — Recovery (PITR) (or alike) to provide different Recovery ...

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