o1 不是一个聊天模型(这正是重点)

swyx here: We’re proud to feature our first guest post of 2025! It has spawned great discussions on gdb, Ben, and Dan’s pages. See also our followup YouTube discussion.


Since o1’s launch in October and o1 pro/o3’s announcement in December, many have been struggling to figure out their takes, both positive and negative. We took a strongly positive stance at the nadir of o1 Pro sentiment and mapped out what it would likely take for OpenAI to have a $2000/month agent product (rumored to be launched in the next few weeks). Since then, o1 has sat comfortably at #1 across ALL LMArena leaderboards (soon to have default Style Control as we discussed on pod).

自从o1在十月发布和o1 pro/o3在十二月宣布以来,许多人一直在努力弄清楚他们的看法,包括积极消极。我们在o1 Pro情绪的低谷时采取了强烈积极的立场,并描绘了OpenAI可能需要什么才能推出一个每月2000美元的代理产品(传闻将在接下来的几周内推出)。自那时以来,o1在所有LMArena排行榜上稳居第一(很快将默认样式控制,如我们在播客中讨论的那样)。

We’ve been following Ben Hylak’s work on the Apple VisionOS for a bit, and invited him to speak at the World’s Fair. He has since launched Dawn Analytics, and continued to publish unfiltered thoughts about o1 — initially as a loud skeptic, and slowly becoming a daily user. We love mind-changers in both its meanings, and think this same conversation is happening all over the world as people struggle to move from the chat paradigm to the brave new world of reasoning and $x00/month prosumer AI products like Devin (spoke at WF, now GA). Here are our thoughts.

我们一直在关注Ben Hylak在Apple VisionOS上的工作,并邀请他在世界博览会上发言。他随后推出了Dawn Analytics,并继续发表关于o1的无过滤思考——最初是一个大声的怀疑者,慢慢变成了日常用户。我们喜欢改变思维的人,并认为这种对话在世界各地都在发生,因为人们努力从聊天范式转向推理和每月$x00的专业消费者AI产品,如Devin(在WF上发言现在GA)。以下是我们的想法。

PSA: Due to overwhelming demand (>15x applications:slots), we are closing CFPs for AI Engineer Summit tomorrow. Last call! Thanks, we’ll be reaching out to all shortly!


How did I go from hating o1 to using it everyday for my most important questions?


I learned how to use it.



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