
February 7, 2025


My mentor once told me: “everyone sucks in their first 5 years as a manager. It’s up to you if you’re going to suck for the next 15 too.”


Today - I’m going to tell you about a little triangle that saved my a** many times as a manager. 

今天 - 我将告诉你一个小三角形,它在我作为经理时多次救了我。

I call it the Triangle of Talent. 


Every company has a distribution of talent. It looks something like this: 


The weird thing is: as a manager, you’ll spend 90% of your time dealing with the employees on the left (problem employees) or the middle (average joes).


But it’s the people on the right side (the star employees) that create 90% of the value in the company. 


If you’re in a company - you wanna be one of these “right side” players. 


If you’re running a company - you want as many “right side” players as you can.

如果你在经营一家公司 - 你希望拥有尽可能多的“右侧”玩家。

As Elon says:


If you don’t speak dork, what he means is: “the team you build is the company you build… so build a great team.”


OK  enough teasing - here’s my Triangle of Talent:

好了,够调侃了 - 这是我的 人才三角:

Quick explanation: 


  • Forget job titles: All employees are problem solvers
  • 忘掉职位名称:所有员工都是问题解决者
  • Problem solving has 2 parts: 
    • Identify the right problem to solve
    • Solve it (yourself, or coordinating others) 
  • 解决问题有两个部分:
    • 识别正确的问题
    • 解决它(自己解决,或协调他人)
  • Star performers live at the top of the triangle
  • 明星表现者位于三角形的顶端

This becomes a very simple guide:


Are you identifying the A+ problem on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis? 


Are you able to solve that problem – either alone, or by coordinating other people? 


(Btw – most people think the job is about solving the problem, and it kinda is, but the easier and more impactful thing is getting good at figuring out "what problem needs to be solv...


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