不要忽视 AbortController

Today, I'd like to talk about one of the standard JavaScript APIs you are likely sleeping on. It's called AbortController.

今天,我想谈谈一个标准的 JavaScript API,你可能对它不太熟悉。它被称为 AbortController

What is AbortController?

AbortController 是什么?

AbortController is a global class in JavaScript that you can use to abort, well, anything!

AbortController 是 JavaScript 中的一个全局类,您可以用它来中止任何操作!

Here's how you use it:


1const controller = new AbortController()

1const controller = new AbortController()

Once you create a controller instance, you get two things:


  • The signal property, which is an instance of AbortSignal. This is a pluggable part you can provide to any API to react to an abort event, and implement it accordingly. For example, providing it to a fetch() request will abort the request;
  • signal属性是AbortSignal的一个实例。这是一个可插拔的部分,您可以提供给任何API以对中止事件做出反应,并相应地实现它。例如,将其提供给fetch()请求将中止该请求;
  • The .abort() method that, when called, triggers the abort event on the signal. It also updates the signal to be marked as aborted.
  • 调用.abort()方法会在signal上触发abort事件。它还会将signal标记为已中止。

So far so good. But where is the actual abort logic? That's the beauty—it's defined by the consumer. The abort handling comes down to listening to the abort event and implementing the abort in whichever way is suitable for the logic in question:


1controller.signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {

1controller.signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {

Let's explore the standard JavaScript APIs that support AbortSignal out of the box.

让我们来探索一下标准的 JavaScript API,它们原生支持 AbortSignal



Event listeners


You can provide an abort signal when adding an event listener for it to be automatically removed once the abort happens.


1const controller = new AbortController()

1const controller = new AbortController()

3window.addEventListener('resize', listener, { signal: controller.signal })

3window.addEventListener('resize', listener, { signal: controller.signal })



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