
We vastly overvalue the idea of “ideas” in design. Meaningful additions to the world rest on novel connections among pre-existing concepts, objects and situations, not self-indulgent originality for its own sake. What we glorify as flashes of brilliance are usually astute observations about the world, improved by critical thinking and critique. And observations often begin from a question.

我们大大地高估了设计中的 "想法 "的价值。对世界有意义的补充是建立在已有的概念、对象和情况之间的新的联系上的,而不是为了其本身而自我放纵的原创。我们所赞美的闪光点通常是对世界的敏锐观察,通过批判性思维和批判来改进。而观察往往是从一个问题开始的。

However, because many of us have been rewarded and praised for having right answers and clever ideas, in school as well as in professional life, the questioning and critiquing part of design can get very uncomfortable. So much easier to sink into the fluffy pillow of groupthink.


Brainstorming ideas and solutions together is an extremely popular activity because it feels collaborative and creativity-enhancing even when it’s really not. Research has shown group brainstorming to be a waste of time. In addition, brainstorming ideas is often anti-collaborative. Everyone secretly, or not so secretly, wants their contribution to "win". And once you frame an exercise as “there are no bad ideas”, well, that’s how you get ants, and really bad ideas that make it out into the world because no one wants to be the bummer or stick their neck out or kill that one lovely darling that already made it into a prototype so we might as well ship it. The Emperor's New Clothes plays out on the daily.

一起集思广益的想法和解决方案是一个非常受欢迎的活动,因为它让人感觉到协作和创造力的提升,即使它实际上不是。研究表明,集体头脑风暴是一种浪费时间的行为。此外,集思广益往往是反协作的。每个人都秘密地,或不那么秘密地,希望自己的贡献能够 "获胜"。而一旦你把一项工作设定为 "没有坏主意",那么,这就是你如何得到蚂蚁和真正的坏主意的原因,因为没有人愿意成为失败者,或者把他们的脖子伸出来,或者杀死那个已经成为原型的可爱的宝贝,所以我们也可以把它运出去。皇帝的新衣》每天都在上演。

A quick and effective fix is to stop brainstorming ideas with your team, and start brainstorming questions instead. Getting together and listing every question you can think of about a problem, a process, or a situa...


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