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A Press Release (PR) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is a customer-centric document for designing new products. It is an idealized future “Press Release” (PR) and associated FAQs. The PR FAQ is the starting point for your other product documents.

新闻稿(PR)常见问题解答(FAQ)是一个以客户为中心的文件,用于设计新产品。它是一个理想化的未来 "新闻稿"(PR)和相关的FAQ。PR FAQ是你其他产品文件的起点。

This article is for anyone interested in the PR FAQ process. One strength of PR FAQs is that they can be understood by anyone in an organization. So this article is addressed to Product Managers who are considering adopting PR FAQ Product Documents, but it can be equally interesting to anyone involved in building technology products.

这篇文章是为任何对公关常见问题过程感兴趣的人准备的。PR FAQ的一个优点是,它们可以被组织中的任何人理解。所以这篇文章是写给那些正在考虑采用PR FAQ产品文档的产品经理的,但对于任何参与构建技术产品的人来说,这篇文章也同样有趣。

A PR FAQ follows a fairly strict format:

PR FAQ遵循一个相当严格的格式。

  1. A Press Release (PR), written from the future point-of-view of when the new product is released.
  2. 新闻稿(PR),从未来新产品发布时的角度来写。
  3. A Public FAQ, detailing the questions that a customer might have about the product, written as if it is public product documentation that is released at the same time as the PR.
  4. 公开的FAQ,详细说明客户可能有的关于产品的问题,写得像公开的产品文档一样,与PR同时发布。
  5. An Internal FAQ, answering any questions from internal stakeholders that have come up during the product development process.
  6. 内部常见问题,回答内部利益相关者在产品开发过程中出现的任何问题。

The PR FAQ format has been around a while, but it was popularized by Amazon (where I first learned it) and is now used by Product Managers widely. I use a slightly different product format and review process than Amazon, which I’ve refined since my time there. I talk more about the format below, and I discuss the review process in two other articles:

PR FAQ格式已经存在了一段时间,但它是由亚马逊推广的(我在那里第一次学会),现在被产品经理广泛使用。我使用的产品格式和审查过程与亚马逊略有不同,我在那里工作后对其进行了改进。我在下面谈了更多关于格式的问题,我在另外两篇文章中讨论了审查过程。

This article is part of a series, focusing on the PR FAQ document itself.

这篇文章是一个系列的一部分,主要是关于PR FAQ文件本身。

Basic PR FAQ Format


A press release is ...


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