
We take the listing of each booking request and fetch the city and country from the listing service and check to see if that destination was in our curated set of formatted destinations loaded into our i18n service. We then take the best fitting artwork and embed the localized destination text on it to generate the final postcard. If we don’t get a translation back, we fall back to serving the postcard without text.


Performance — Async Postcard Creation Flow

性能 - 异步明信片生成流程

Putting a localized destination and a Belo icon onto artwork is a time-consuming operation given the high resolution artwork we used. We knew the image processing flow could take over 8 seconds on average to process an image so we needed to come up with a way to make our postcard API respond quickly. We also wanted to transfer these generated postcards into our primary image storage so we could leverage our existing media serving infrastructure, which introduced an additional 1–2 seconds of latency.


In order to still be performant, we went with a partly asynchronous approach where, during the live in product request, we only serve postcards that we’ve already generated and stored internally. If there was a request for a new postcard, we would instead return a fallback postcard and publish an event to a Kafka queue where an async consumer would call the processing service, wait for the asset to be generated and then transfer it into our system to be used for future requests.


As shown in the diagram below, we fetched the listing information and taxonomy information in parallel before computing the best matching artwork for ...


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