
Photo: Crissy Jarvis on Unsplash

照片: Crissy JarvisUnsplash

A recent wave of users have questioned the validity of the displayed number of followers on their profiles. At one point, their follower number increased, some even by the thousands, but then a few weeks later went back down to around where the user originally remembered. Some users were concerned: Were their profiles hacked? Did a wave of users suddenly follow and then unfollow them? The answer is no—it was a data problem.


When Medium started to shift toward more relational content, we noticed that some users were missing authors in their “Latest From Following” section, which should show the followed collections and authors that had recently published. Since this wasn’t true for all users, we had to look into the data that drives this section of Medium.


Upon investigation, we noticed a discrepancy in a key column that the “Latest From Following” section uses that the rest of Medium does not. In turn, a backfill had to be done so the key column would properly reflect a user’s followings. After the backfill finished, users started reporting an uptick in followers and the number of people they have followed, even though they had not followed any new users. That’s when we noticed that the original backfill had done its intended purpose while also breaking it.


A backfill is supposed to be the process in correcting data or making the data whole without modifying its existing core components. The first backfill did fix the key column needed for the table that “Latest From Following” depended on, but it also ended up modifying another table that contained the displayed number o...


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