
Once you add the Image extension to the Tiptap WYSIWYG editor, users can paste images in from HTML and the clipboard. That may (or may not be) what you want to happen. Here's how I handled image pasting in Tiptap.


This is a kind of follow-up post to Adding drag and drop image uploads to Tiptap. We took care of users uploading images through drag and drop - but what happens if they paste images into the editor content?

这是对向Tiptap添加拖放图片上传的一种后续帖子。我们已经处理了用户通过拖放上传图片的情况 - 但是如果他们将图片粘贴到编辑器内容中会发生什么呢?

Once you add the Image extension in Tiptap, your editor can handle images, or in this case the <img> element.


In the previous blog post, we added a handleDrop function, that took care of uploading images when they were dropped into the editor.


In this post, we will add a handlePaste function, so your editor can also upload images that are pasted in.


Pasting an image file in Tiptap


By default, you can't paste an image file into Tiptap, so we need to write some code to allow this behaviour.


Like the handleDrop function we used for drag and drop images in Tiptap, handlePaste is a function provided to use from ProseMirror (the rich-text editor Tiptap uses under the hood).


handlePaste is "used to override the behaviour of pasting". That sounds like what we need to do here - let's get it set up!

handlePaste是用于覆盖粘贴行为的。这听起来像是我们需要在这里做的事情 - 让我们开始设置吧!

new Editor({ element: document.querySelector('.editor'), extensions: [ StarterKit, Image, ], editorProps: { handlePaste: function(view, event, slice) { return false; } }, content: ` <p>Hello World!</p> `,

This is the bit we are working on:


handlePaste: function(view, event, slice, moved) { return false; }...

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