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关联话题: k8s

Kubernetes 的资源管理艺术



Kubernetes在 v1.24 版移除了dockershim, 本文探讨移除dockershim后的相关事项以及如何调试容器

如何从k8s event发现集群内的问题

k8s 集群内的问题,怎么及时发现、采集和分析?来看看这篇文章吧


本文分享一个因为主机磁盘资源不足导致pod Evicted的故障

数据库不应放在容器中?- B站Kubernetes有状态服务实践(Elasticsearch/Clickhouse)

本文基于Elasticsearch/Clickhouse在B站生产环境的容器化/K8s编排能力落地, 将阐述为何我们需要进行容器化/on k8s, 容器化中遭遇的挑战以及解决方案, 落地的技术细节以及收益。



Kubernetes Informer基本原理

如何高效可靠进行事件监听,k8s 客户端工具包 client-go 提供了一个通用的 informer 包,通过 informer,可以方便和高效的进行 controller 开发。

Kubernetes 安全风险加固手册

随着 Kubernetes 的广泛应用,安全风险也逐渐凸显出来。本文将从 Cloud、Cluster、Container 角度出发,以一种由下至上的方式,列举 Kubernetes 的安全风险,并提供相应的加固建议。

Kafka on Kubernetes: Reloaded for fault tolerance

Coban - Grab’s real-time data streaming platform - has been operating Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi in production for about two years. In a previous article (Zero trust with Kafka), we explained how we leveraged Strimzi to enhance the security of our data streaming offering.

In this article, we are going to describe how we improved the fault tolerance of our initial design, to the point where we no longer need to intervene if a Kafka broker is unexpectedly terminated.

pincompute: A Kubernetes Backed General Purpose Compute Platform for Pinterest

Modern compute platforms are foundational to accelerating innovation and running applications more efficiently. At Pinterest, we are evolving our compute platform to provide an application-centric and fully managed compute API for the 90th percentile of use cases. This will accelerate innovation through platform agility, scalability, and a reduced cost of keeping systems up to date, and will improve efficiency by running our users’ applications on Kubernetes-based compute. We refer to this next generation compute platform as PinCompute, and our multi-year vision is for PinCompute to run the most mission critical applications and services at Pinterest.

PinCompute aligns with the Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud computing model, in that it abstracts away the undifferentiated heavy lifting of managing infrastructure and Kubernetes and enables users to focus on the unique aspects of their applications. PinCompute evolves Pinterest architecture with cloud-native principles, including containers, microservices, and service mesh, reduces the cost of keeping systems up to date by providing and managing immutable infrastructure, operating system upgrades, and graviton instances, and delivers costs savings by applying enhanced scheduling capabilities to large multi-tenant Kubernetes clusters, including oversubscription, bin packing, resource tiering, and trough usage.

In this article, we discuss the PinCompute primitives, architecture, control plane and data plane capabilities, and showcase the value that PinCompute has delivered for innovation and efficiency at Pinterest.

滴滴弹性云基于 K8S 的调度实践

弹性云是滴滴内部提供给网约车等核心服务的容器平台,其基于 k8s 实现了对海量 node 的管理和 pod 的调度,本文重点介绍弹性云的调度能力。

K8s 多集群实践思考和探索


Kubernetes Gateway API

初始的 Kubernetes 内部服务向外暴露,使用的是自身的 LoadBlancer 和 NodePort 类型的Service,在集群规模逐渐扩大的时候,这种 Service 管理的方式满足不了我们的需求。

字节跳动开源 Kelemetry:面向 Kubernetes 控制面的全局追踪系统

字节跳动用于 Kubernetes 控制平面的追踪系统正式开源,文章邀请项目同学分享其设计与思考,期待反馈与交流。

微盟Flink on Kubernetes实时平台建设实践

本文将侧重介绍部署 K8s 环境,在任务开发、任务部署以及任务监控方面的一些实践总结。

Performance bottlenecks of Go application on Kubernetes with non-integer (floating) CPU allocation

Grab’s real-time data platform team, Coban, has been running its stream processing framework on Kubernetes, as detailed in Plumbing at scale. We’ve also written another article (Scaling Kafka consumers) about vertical pod autoscaling (VPA) and the benefits of using it.

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